
Just Because Linky Party??? What's NEW for Sparkly Sweet in 2014

Thanks for your awesome support to my Just Because Linky Party!!

Since the linky party has been such a giagantic success.... I 'm excited to announce that it WILL continue to rock on in 2014!!!!

January's Just Because Linky Party will start up tomorrow, so get your projects ready :D Got some awesome sponsors lined up for the year, and I am geared up to see your fantastic projects. So spread the LOVE and invite your friends.

Have you seen my online store yet?

We will be celebrating JaNEWuary Got a NEW must have item coming NEXT WEEK...as well as a couple of newbies to add to the fantastic May Arts line we currently offer. Hold tight to your seats..... Here's a lil sneak



  1. Fabulous news! Yay! I will be linking up again with you - thank you for your fun linkies!

  2. Awesome news Beckie!
    Happy New Year!!


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